We’ve been making homemade snow. I had a moment of self doubt the other day, would my boys be troubled, therapy requiring, adults because I’ve never made them homemade playdough? I did what I usually do and put the question to the online homeschool community, most of the mums voted with a yes.
OK, so I’m a bad mother. One suggestion offered, a quick fix for the kids’ trauma, spend the afternoon making homemade snow with shaving foam and corn flour. So we did.
Homemade Snow

Recipe For Making Homemade Snow
The recipe for making homemade snow is simple. Take a child or two, a can of cheap shaving foam and a box of cornflour. Gradually squirt and shake ingredients into a large container and allow the children to find a consistency they like. It can be wet snow, powder snow or just right for snowballs snow. It really does feel quite a bit like the real thing. My younger child has never seen the cold stuff , he has spent most of his winters in the tropics. So he was particularly impressed with the whole concept.

“Mum, you’re the snow expert, does this really feel like snow?”
Yes it does. You can even make snowballs.

Making Coloured Snow
If you like, you can add glitter to make things more sparkly, my boys chose to see if food colouring would do the job of making coloured snow. It did, they made pink and pale blue, eventually mixing them to make a lovely purple.

We usually think of messy play and sensory play as something we do with preschoolers or kindergarten kids, helping them to develop the ability to use their senses and learn through them. It’s also a part of the early scientific process that is hard-wired into all children. They are collecting data to answer their own questions. My children are 8 and 6, so I’ve maybe missed that boat but they still had a lot of fun. We have a post on homeschooling kindergarten here, be sure to include plenty of messy play ideas!
The snow has been in the fridge “to make it more realistic, Mum” for 4 days now, they’ve pulled it out every day.
A word of warning, it gets messy!

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