Homeschooling, worldschooling and unschooling are all progressive forms of education, gaining popularity in the modern world. Unschooling and worldschooling are types of homeschooling, also known as home education. Other forms of education outside school also exist, for instance, wildschooling, lifeschooling, and farm schooling. In this post we break down homeschooling, worldschooling, unschooling, online schooling, wildschooling […]
Should We Homeschool? Reasons to Homeschool.
Should we homeschool? My husband and I asked ourselves that question so many times in the months leading up to taking our child out of school. We knew nothing about homeschooling really, but it was very clear that school wasn’t working out for our family. We needed an alternative and we needed it fast, nobody […]
Homeschool Kindergarten
If you’re Googling for that term “Homeschool Kindergarten” you’re new to our world. Hi, welcome, we’re glad you’d like to homeschool. We need to start at the beginning and explain homeschooling to you so that you can best homeschool (home educate, home school, world school, wildschool, unschool ) your kindergarten-aged little one. There are a […]
Pulling My 7 Year Old Out Of School
I’m writing this post today to help you with the mental anguish and turmoil you’re suffering about pulling your child out of school. I did it and it’s all worked out perfectly. I was able to take my child out of school, legally and permanently, when he was 7 years old and it was one […]
What is Deschooling?
Deschooling is a term you’ll often hear in homeschooling, unschooling, or worldschooling circles. It’s a common term, but one you need to grasp before moving forward with a homeschooling career. Both the parent and the child have to be deschooled. Some give ratios and schedules, one month of deschooling for every year the child was […]
Experimenting With Project Based Unschooling
I am not a total unschooler, we tried it, we dabble in unschooling but it’s not what we do all the time. Every now and then there is structure because my kids and I just aren’t the unschool type. But this month, just for a change, we designated Project Based Unschooling Month. The kids would […]
Milestones and Homeschool
One of the most beautiful things about homeschooling my boys is being around to see the milestones as they happen, the big and the small, and to see first hand how pleased they are with their own achievements. It’s quite magical. We’ve had a couple in the last few days that I wanted to share. […]
Homeschooling on No Salary
On our “about” page I tell you that sometimes we are free of work. It’s time I qualified that statement and shared with you how we’ve managed to escape the boring old 9-5. Neither my husband nor I, have a regular job and haven’t since 2012. I actually quit my career ( I was a […]
Why We Didn’t Opt Out of School (Reasons to Homeschool)
Hi, good morning from a rainy Romania. Occasional wet days are a great excuse to stay in and write blog posts so I want to explain today why we opted out of school and why we opted out of normal, or rather why we didn’t. It’s something that’s been on my mind since Jessica wrote […]
Cattana Wetlands Cairns. Cairns Homeschool Group
This week Cairns Homeschool Group’s outing to The Cattana Wetlands taught us all a lot about wetland habitats, native flora, it’s uses and the amount of work involved in reclaiming these former sand mine sites as a natural reserve. We had a passionate and knowledgeable guide who freely gave up her time to teach us […]
Thoughts on Homeschooling Highschool
If, like me, you have a homeschooled child approaching highschool age, well done! Give yourself and your child, heck, give your whole family, a big pat on the back. Not many of us make it this far. Have you noticed that most of the mums in the online groups have tiny tots? Did you spot that […]
How Do Homeschooled Kids Sit Exams?
Firstly I’d like to say that exams are mostly not compulsory nor really necessary, there are many ways to do life and the regular school system is just one of them. Should the child (or parent) feel they need paper qualifications similar to regular school leavers, there are ways. So how do homeschooled kids sit […]
How to Convince Your Parents to Homeschool You
“How to convince your parents to homeschool you?” A lot of kids, just like you, want to know how to convince their parents to homeschool them. I homeschooled my kids, and it was fantastic for all of us, so I’m here to help you to convince your parents to let you stay home and be […]
Growing Up With No Rules – Self Regulation
When I was a child there were strict rules which had to be adhered to on pain of death. Sit at the kitchen table to eat, all together, with knife and fork, at the necessary time “Thank you for my dinner” and “Please may I be excused” were necessary after meals Go to bed at […]
Myths About Homeschooling
There are myths about education that necessarily become myths about homeschooling because they are closely related. We’ll debunk the following myths about homeschooling in this post The Biggest Myths About Homeschooling Most myths and misconceptions about homeschooling come from a lack of understanding of what homeschooling is and what it is not. Homeschooling is simply […]
Homeschooling London. Our Day
A long time ago I wrote a post called What Does a Homeschool Day Look Like. It’s over on our other blog, World Travel Family, and is enormously popular. The homeschooling posts are always popular, so thank YOU for reading, liking and sharing. I thought it would be nice to share a homeschooling day, or […]
Homeschooling Sucks Sometimes
If you’re new to homeschooling, I want to reassure you that you’re not the only one having bad days. Things go wrong, it all gets too much, the kids won’t cooperate and nerves get frazzled. On those days homeschooling sucks bigtime. I’ve been homeschooling a long time. The boys are 11 and 9 now and […]
Homeschooling a 12 Year Old
My elder child was 12 last week. It’s not one of the big milestones, he didn’t become a teen and didn’t pass from junior school to high school, but he’s changed so much I thought I’d tell you about it. Homeschooling a 12 year old is very different to homeschooling an 11, 10, or, obviously, […]
My 7 Year Old Can’t Read
Hi, glad you’re here, my 7-year-old can’t read either. In fact, go back a couple of years and my first 7-year-old couldn’t read. It seems to be an epidemic, this non-reading 7-year-old thing, and it seems to worry mums of 6-year-olds and 8-year-olds too. I’m here to make you feel better and maybe help you […]
School is the Worst Place to Get an Education
Deep thought is something I suffer from, often the 3 am lying awake variety. This morning’s episode brought me to an idea that I felt big enough to share. I apologise if somebody, somewhere has said this same thing before with figures, statistics and research. It’s new to me, and I hope to you. My […]
5 Reasons Not to Send Your Child to School
When my son was just four years old I dropped him off at school for the first time. It hurt both of us. But that’s what you have to do, children need to get an education and school is where education happens. Teachers facilitate that education and education is the purpose of school. If you […]