Welcome to Homeschool Group Hug. We are on a mission to explain and encourage learning from life, without school. I want to encourage and support you on your home schooling or any other alternative education mission. Homeschoolers, unschoolers, worldschoolers or home educators, it largely depends on what country you're in and local word preferences. We've home educated in the UK, Australia, US and all over the world. I really don't care what … read more

Fun Homeschool Science Resources
All of the fun homeschool science resources on this page have been tried and tested by real homeschoolers, they have been given the thumbs up from me and the kids. As a professional scientist, these homeschool science resources, books, toys, and games all have real value in helping your child learn and understand science. I'm not talking about curriculums, work sheets, homeschool workbooks and online learning programmes, that's not what I want to talk about here. The best homeschool science resources, I think, are the fun ones, … [Read More...]

Why We Didn’t Opt Out of School (Reasons to Homeschool)
Hi, good morning from a rainy Romania. Occasional wet days are a great excuse to stay in and write blog posts so I want to explain today why we opted out of school and why we opted out of normal, or rather why we didn't. It's something that's been on my mind since Jessica wrote this fabulous posts about grandparents and their support, or negativity towards, alternative lifestyles. It's mostly about travel, but translates well into homeschooling, unschooling or worldschooling families. There are assumptions about reasons to … [Read More...]

Photography Courses for Kids and Beginners, Learning About Photography
Photography is a wonderful thing for your kids to learn, all kids, not just homeschoolers. Photography courses can get you started quickly on your road to mastering the art and science of photography, as a hobby, as a job skill or as a business tool. In this post we look at free photography course, other resources for budding photographers, cameras for starting in photography, resources for studying photograhy and what other gear new photographers may need. I also asked a professional wedding photographer and mum for tips in getting your … [Read More...]

Homeschooling London. Our Day
A long time ago I wrote a post called What Does a Homeschool Day Look Like. It's over on our other blog, World Travel Family, and is enormously popular. The homeschooling posts are always popular, so thank YOU for reading, liking and sharing. I thought it would be nice to share a homeschooling day, or lifestyle, in London to go with that. Homeschooling in London is fabulous and UK homeschool regulations are a dream. We look at homeschooling in London, places to go, groups to join and resources for you to use along with telling you what our … [Read More...]

Homeschool Workbooks
Homeschool workbooks have been our favourite way to formally educate the children, right from kindergarten to high school. That's my favourite way and the kids' favourite way. Workbooks allow mom to be a little bit hands-off sometimes, the heavy work is done already and we moms may just be able to cook lunch while the kids get stuck in. Workbooks can cover just about any topic, they're cheap, light, easy to travel with, and can do multiple duty in kicking educational goals. While your child is filling in his science workbook he's … [Read More...]

My 7 Year Old Can’t Read
Hi, glad you're here, my 7-year-old can't read either. In fact, go back a couple of years and my first 7-year-old couldn't read. It seems to be an epidemic, this non-reading 7-year-old thing, and it seems to worry mums of 6-year-olds and 8-year-olds too. I'm here to make you feel better and maybe help you help your child to learn to read. 7 Year Old Can't Read Child 1 was in school and couldn't read in year 2. So bad was his literacy that he wasn't doing any maths through total inability to read the questions. Child 2 had been … [Read More...]

Kitchen Science. Fun Science Ideas at Home!
Most of us have a kitchen of some sort, right? Well, you can use your kitchen to teach your kids science every day. I don't mean lecturing them, making notes and doing experiments that have to be written up. Just talk to them, constantly, about what is going on right in front of them, all the time. Sometimes maybe buy them a few props and science kits, you can find some great home science resources in this post, but much learning comes from every-day chatter. I've found that it is the quickest and best way to get all sorts of useful knowledge … [Read More...]

Homeschooling Maths, from Preschool to Highschool
When I started writing this post I was mum to a 13-year-old and an 11-year-old, both homeschooled kids. The elder son went to school briefly and, in all honesty, learnt absolutely nothing there, not even how to read. My younger son has never been inside a school, ever. They have been unschooled, homeschooled or worldschooled, I don't mind what you want to call it. We don't fit into any boxes and our homeschooling responds to age and location appropriateness, rather than a state or government curriculum. I just wanted to share our maths (math … [Read More...]

Homeschool Curriculum
What is a homeschool curriculum? A curriculum is the content of a course of study. Countries and states have their own government-approved curriculum, as homeschoolers we may be compelled to follow this standard state school curriculum, or we may be allowed to write our curriculum tailored to our individual child's needs. In some cases, our home-produced curriculum may have to be approved by a government-run homeschooling body (for instance some states in Australia). In some countries (for instance the UK) no such approval is required, no set … [Read More...]

Homeschooling vs Unschooling vs Worldschooling
Homeschooling, worldschooling and unschooling are all progressive forms of education, gaining popularity in the modern world. Unschooling and worldschooling are types of homeschooling, also known as home education. Other forms of education outside school also exist, for instance, wildschooling, lifeschooling, and farm schooling. In this post we break down homeschooling, worldschooling, unschooling, online schooling, wildschooling and more. We try to give definitions of each type of alternative education and consider the sub-types within … [Read More...]

Meet the Homeschoolers: Lyndy of Homeschool Ahoy – Homeschool on a Yacht
Number 2 in our Meet The Homeschoolers series is Lyndy of Homeschool Ahoy homeschool and travel blog. Lyndy and her family homeschool on a yacht - they are boat schoolers or yacht schoolers. In this series we try to present the diverse reasons, methods and families behind global homeschooling to encourage and support everyone in the homeschooling community. I’ve known Lyndy in real life for a few years, we both lived and homeschooled in Port Douglas, Australia before we went our separate ways. We were both registered Queensland … [Read More...]