Should I homeschool? Questions you should ask yourself before taking the decision to homeschool your child.

Homeschooling is a wonderful option with good outcomes for kids, but not everyone should, and could, do it. Take a look at our questions below. If you can answer a confident yes to each one, then there is a high likelihood that you should homeschool your children.
Should I Homeschool. Questions To Ask Yourself
Before you decide to homeschool, just be sure you can answer yes to all of these questions.
- Do you love your kids?
- Is homeschooling possible or legal where you live?
- If the answer to the previous question is no, can you move somewhere where you are able to homeschool?
- Do you want the best possible outcomes for your kids?
- Can you read and use Google?
- Can you provide reading materials, pens, computers, and a good internet connection?
- Can you make your children’s lives fun, full, engaging, and stimulating?
- Will homeschooling your kids be a priority for you?
- Can you provide toys, games, play, fun, and experiences for your children?
- Do you prioritise your kids’ safety?
- Can you guide, enhance, and facilitate learning without feeling you need to play teacher?
- Do you know what deschooling is?
- Will you be able to observe and react to your child’s needs as they change over time?
- Do you love spending time with your kids?
- Have you taken a look at the pros and cons of homeschooling?
- If you currently work outside the home, can your family cope with that lost income?
- If the answer to the question above is no, can you live cheaper or generate an income from home?
- Are you OK with less, or no, “me-time” and reduced adult interaction?
- Do you want to build tighter bonds with your children?
- If your child is already in school, are they OK with leaving?
- Are you and your kids looking forward to no more homework? Yay!
- Are you ready for opposition from friends and family?
- You won’t be keeping your kids locked in a cellar?
- You will allow your kids to interact with the diverse, and real, world?
- Will you be pro-active in finding community, local, or global opportunities to involve your child and family, in. If required, not all children want this.

If you can answer yes to all of the above then it’s looking good. Yes, you probably can, and should, homeschool. But first go check out the new homeschooler mistakes I and many other first-time homeschoolers made. Learn from us, get their faster. Best of luck!
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