It’s time to bite the bullet, days are ticking away and D’s Homeschool report has to be in soon. Maths is next. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m trying to keep it as short and simple as possible this year. D would have been in year 3 and 4 for this reporting period.
I’m wondering if I can just refer back to last year’s maths goals, as listed in my report, and tell the Queensland HEU that we did all that plus extra as gravy.
Here are last year’s maths goals, they were submitted to and approved by the HEU. I based this on the Queensland Essential Learnings for the end of year 3, the Australian curriculum, and the US-based Core Knowledge Sequence document that I love so much. My son started homeschooling halfway through the year, so it complicates the planning and attainment expectations somewhat.
You can see my finished homeschool report for maths, based on this learning plan or curriculum, here.
Table of Contents
Submitted and Approved Maths Learning Plan for a Queensland Homeschooler in Year 3/4
Maths Goals 2012/13
Numeration and Place Value
- Understand numbers to 6 digits write them in expanded notation and compare them using < and >.
- Identify ordinal position from 1st to 100th and write them in word form.
- Count in 2s, 5s, 3s, 10s, 100s and 50s.
- Identify number patterns.
- Round up and down to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.
- Roman numerals to 100.
- Use a number line for positive and negative whole numbers.
- Identify even and odd numbers.
- Identify dozen, half dozen , 2 dozen etc.
- Consolidate knowledge of addition and subtraction methods of multiple digit numbers with regrouping.
- Understand inverse relation between addition and subtraction and use this to check answers.
- Know what factor and product mean.
- Understand multiplication and division as inverse operations
- Estimation
- Word problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
- Mixed operations with brackets.
- Memorise and understand multiplication tables to 12.
- Multiply and divide by 10, 100, 1000.
- To understand money amounts in $ and c using decimal points.
- Add and subtract money.
- To calculate change.
- Solve money word problems involving simple multiplication and division.
Fractions and Decimals
- Identify numerator and denominator.
- Recognise equivalent fractions.
- Compare fractions using < and > with like denomenators.
- Add and subtract fractions with like denomenators.
- Recognise fractions to tenths and also hundredths.
- Express simple outcomes as fractions eg. 3 out of 4 as ¾.
- Write mixed numbers and change improper fractions to mixed numbers.
- Put fractions in lowest terms.
- Know units of measurement (length, weight, volume, time) and their abbreviations.
- Know equivalences within the metric measuring system ( 1cm = 10 mm etc.)
- Use instruments to measure all of the above.
- Tell time to the minute in digital and clock forms and distinguish time as am or pm understand noon and midnight.
- Calculate time elapsed.
- Write dates in numeric forms.
- Use a calendar and work out days or weeks elapsed.
- Identify horizontal, vertical, perpendicular, intersecting and parallel lines.
- Identify and describe 2d and 3d polygons including quadrilateral, rhombus, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, parallelogram and trapezium.
- Calculate area of a rectangle and use squared units.
- Calculate perimeter of a rectangle.
- Measure, label and compare angles including right, acute and obtuse.
- Identify the net of a 3D shape.
- Identify solid figures, sphere, cube, pyramid, cone, cylinder and associate solid figures with planar shapes, sphere/circle, cube/square pyramid/triangle.
- Name lines and line segments eg line ab segment cd.
- Identify lines of symmetry
- Understand flip, slide, rotate.
Chance and Data
- Create, understand and interpret graphs, bar graphs, pie charts and venn diagrams.
- Understand and extract information from tally marks and data tables
- Utilise a legend
- Maps
It’s good to have all of this written down, it’s very easy to look back and see that we did cover everything that was expected of us, plus more. I put quite a lot of work into it at the time, time that I can now save on reporting, I hope.
I’d better go write this maths report. I’ll publish it when I’m done. Happy Homeschooling!
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